Citations guidelines

Guidelines for authors - citations

The citation method used in the journal is based on running notes.

In the continuous annotation technique, each citation of the document receives a sequential number.

The cited information is followed by the citation serial number (usually as superscripts) and further details allowing to identify the item in the list of references are in the notes (usually footnotes), along with other notes. The individual serial numbers then apply not only to citations, but also to notes of various kinds. Each item in the notes receives a new number, even repeated citations of the same work. The reference number (or item in the list of references) is part of the citation note.

In the case of quotations, the cited page number is indicated after the comma.

Citation patterns

Printed Book:

OVEČKOVÁ, O. Zmluvná pokuta. 2. Vyd. Bratislava: Edícia Iura, 2011, s. 150. ISBN xxx-xx-xxx-xxxx-x.

ŠVESTKA, J., DVOŘÁK, J., FIALA, J. et al. Občiansky zákonník. Komentár. VI. zväzok. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2014, s. 1516. ISBN xxx-xx-xxx-xxxx-x.

Abbreviated citation (for further citation of the same work):

Every other citation of the same document has either a full reference in the note or only a shortened form of the reference in the form: LAST NAME, ref. number of the note, which contains the full bibliographic reference to the cited document. The number of the cited page (if it is a quote) is added to the note after a comma.OVEČKOVÁ, O.: Zmluvná pokuta, s. 150-151.

We omit bibliographic data in the abbreviated citation. In an abbreviated citation of a journal article or book chapter, the title of the article (chapter) is italicized.

Part of monograph, commentary (chapter, volume, appendix, etc.):

DĚDIČ, J., PIHERA, V. O teoretickej koncepcii spoločností obchodujúcich s kapitálom. In: HAVEL, B., PIHERA, V. (eds.). Súkromné priamo na ceste. Eseje a iné texty k jubileu Karla Eliáša. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk, 2010, s. 72. ISBN xxx-xx-xxx-xxxx-x.

Mediating source:

KNAPP, V. O dôvode povinnosti a jej príčine. V štáte a práve. IV. Praha: Nakladatelství ČAV, 1975, s. 45. In: HULMÁK, M: Uzatváranie zmlúv v občianskom práve. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2008, s. 9. ISBN xxx-xx-xxx-xxxx-x.


If the reference is made via an intermediary source, i.e. if the original source is not available, but it is mentioned in another source, it is necessary to proceed as follows: create a link to the original source, in that link, after the link to the original source, write the word Zdroj: or Source: or In:. The secondary source data will be attached to the same link.

Science work:

VONDRÁČEK, O. Nepriama držba cenných papierov. Téza. Praha: Právnická fakulta Karlovej univerzity, 2010, s. 19.

Article in a magazine, in an anthology:

CSACH, K. Miesto dispozitívnych a kogentných právnych noriem (nielen) v obchodnom práve, I. časť – Všeobecné otázky a rozbor kogentných noriem. In: Právny obzor. Miesto vydania: Vydavateľ, 2007, roč. 90, č. 2, s. 102. ISSN xxxx-xxxx.

ELIÁŠ, K. K pojmu dispozičné právo v Občianskom zákonníku. In: XXIII. Karlove Vary právne dni. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2015, s. 55. ISBN xxx-xx-xxx-xxxx-x.

E-book, online magazine article, website source:

CHUDÝ, A., LICHNEROVÁ, L. a J. ŠUŠOL. Úvod do autorského práva pre informačné štúdiá [online]. Bratislava: Stimul, 2011 [cit. 2015-09-09]. ISBN xxx-xx-xxx-xxxx-x. Dostupné na:

DOLEŽAL, T. Kompenzačné schémy v prípade zodpovednosti zdravotníckych pracovníkov za nesprávne vykonaný lekársky zákrok. Dá sa nájsť inšpiratívna právna transplantácia? In: Journal of Health Law and Bioethics [online]. Praha: ÚSP AV ČR, 2011, roč. 1, č. 2 [cit. 2012.08.29]. ISSN xxxx-xxxx. Dostupné na:

HORVÁTH, E. Zrušenie účasti spoločníka v s.r.o. In: Najprávo [online]. Vydavateľ, 2011 [cit. 30-6-2015]. Dostupné na:


Data on the availability of electronic documents is mandatory for electronic online resources. If the availability data is the last data of the bibliographic reference, we do not use the dot at the end. Hypertext links are not underlined.

The date of citation is mandatory.

Legislative documents:

Zákon č. 213/1992 Z. z. o spotrebných daniach s dôvodovou správou.


Common Notes on Citations:

The author's name must be recorded as follows: SURNAME, Name (the author's surname is given in capital letters). If two or three authors' names are mentioned in the source, all of them are listed in the order in which they are listed in the source. If only the initials of first names are used, the authors' names are separated by a comma, if full first names are given, they are separated by a dash or a semicolon. If there are more than three authors, the first author is given and the abbreviation et al. or et al.

We write the main title, title of the source document (periodical) and sub-titles as they appear in the document and highlight them in italics. If we include a subheading, we separate it from the main name with a colon and a space. A long name can be shortened and three dots can be used as a sign of omission.

Except for the first edition, the edition number should be given as it appears in the document. Terms indicating numerical order (second, third, etc.) are written in Arabic numerals and in the language of the given document (3thd edition, 3. Auf. etc.).

In the case of a magazine, the year and the current issue of the magazine in the language of the document are indicated. For example vol./no., Jhrg./Nr.

We write the data as they appear in the document - in the language of the cited document.

Individual groups of data are separated by a period and a space. The entire bibliographic reference ends with a period; if the last data is a website address, we do not use a dot.

Standard ISBNs for books and ISSNs for serials are given only if they are found in the document.

If some data cannot be found, we omit it.

Scripts deal in detail with the issue of citation: