Author guidelines

Manuscripts are accepted by the editors of the journal Acta Facultatis Iuridicae UC. Contributions are sent through the journal's website, which also allows authors to follow the editorial process:

Technical instructions for author registration and submission can be found here:

The deadline for contributions to the first issue is March 31 of the respective year, and to the second issue is September 25 of the respective year. Contributions are not honored.

We publish articles in Slovak, Czech or English. The range of articles is at least 18,000 characters. Articles include an abstract, keywords and a list of references. Abstracts (including the title of the article) and keywords are:

  • in the case of an article in the Slovak/Czech language in the Slovak/Czech language, and at the same time also in the English language,
  • in the case of an article in English only in English.

The length of the abstract is recommended to be between (minimum) 100 and 200 words. The text is divided into Introduction, numbered chapters and Conclusion.

It is permissible to publish in one issue:

  • one scientific or professional article by the same author,
  • possibly another scientific or professional article where the given author is a co-author,
  • a maximum of one scientific or professional article and one review by the same author.

The title of the post should be concise, accurate and not too long - up to 10 words. If necessary, the author can add a subtitle with a maximum length of 12 words.

As part of the requirements of the contribution, the author states: first and last name, academic degrees, full correspondence address, name and address of workplace, e-mail address. When submitting the article, the author also provides a telephone number where he can be reached during the review process - it is only for the editor and is not published.

Contributions are submitted in electronic form, Word text editor under the Windows operating system, Times New Roman font, font size 12, abstracts, key words and footnotes font size 10. Divide the text into paragraphs, do not use word breaks. A numbered list of used literature with complete bibliographic data is given at the end of the article in alphabetical order.

Graphic materials - pictures, photos, diagrams, etc. they are numbered and listed in the text. At the same time, it is necessary to deliver graphic materials separately in one of the graphic formats, for example, .jpg. The optimal quality of graphic materials for printing is 300 dpi.

The authors are responsible for the linguistic and grammatical aspects of the contributions. The processor reserves the right to minor formal text adjustments.


The authors agree to publish the papers on the journal's website.

The authors respect the rules of the Journal's Code of Ethics.